OMG (Oʻahu Mathematics Games)
OMG Game #5
OMG #5: Snake Games. Can you solve this Word Snake? (1) Start at the shaded letter. (2) Create words by only moving ⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️ and you cannot move to a letter already used. (3) Where one word ends, the next word will start with an adjacent letter. Puzzle is complete when all letters have been used. There is a theme connecting the words. Can you solve this word snake? First ten to message us with the complete ordered word list for this puzzle will receive 10 points for their school of choice! #oml57
OMG #5: Snake Games. Can you solve this second Word Snake? (1) Start at the shaded letter. (2) Create words by only move ⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️ and you cannot move to a letter already used. (3) Where one word ends, the next word will start with an adjacent letter. Puzzle is complete when all letters have been used. There is a theme connecting the words. Can you solve this word snake? First ten to message us with the complete ordered word list for this puzzle will receive 10 points for their school of choice! #oml57
OMG Game #4
OMG Game #3
OMG Game #2
Bringing back the Costume Contest for the third year in a row for OMG #2: Halloween Bash. Come dressed in your Halloween Costume for Meet 2 on October 19th and enter, if you dare, in one of the following categories (1) Scariest, (2) Prettiest, (3) Funniest, and (4) Most Creative. In store are points and prizes galore for participating and winning. #oml57
Trying something new for our OMG #2: Halloween Bash, our first ever Math-o-Lantern Carving Contest. Bring your already carved pumpkins to Meet 2 on October 19. Your design must somehow incorporate math somehow - be creative! Math Teams will be voting for their favorite pumpkins - no voting for your own school! We’ll provide the tea candles to luminate your creations. #oml57